Development tools

Masser Developer and Masser Creator Pro are PC softwares which are used to create data collection and measurement applications for instruments and calipers.

Masser Developer

Masser Developer is a PC software which is used to create data collection and measurement applications for Excaliper and Racal – instruments.

User defines first which kind of report or spreadsheet output he wants from the caliper. Then he decides in which order he wants to collect the data. Whit this info it’s easy to define in the Developer program the data for each field. It’s like to give names for the data columns in the spreadsheet program.

When the Developer definition is ready user loads the measurement program in the caliper. Now caliper uses the given data label names (column names) which the user has set. After the measurement session the user downloads the data into the Developer. PC-program creates automatically an Excel-sheet and a text- file to be saved in the computer for further processing.

  • Excaliper II is a powerful data collector and an accurate measurement device. Data can be input by measuring, from the keyboard, select from predefined lists by a toggle switch or read from other devices via Bluetooth. (Electronic clinometer, laser range finder or GPS receiver)
  • Racal caliper data collection software defined with Developer gives a flexible system for various inventory and forest planning tasks. Racal can be equipped with Bluetooth giving a variety combinations how to connect it to other equipment

Masser Creator Pro

Masser Creator Pro is a PC software which is used to create data collection and measurement applications for Sonar- and BT – calipers.

User defines first which kind of report or spreadsheet output he wants from the caliper. Then he decides in which order he wants to collect the data. Whit this info it’s easy to define in the Creator Pro- program the data for each field. It’s like to give names for the data columns in the spreadsheet program.

When the Creator definition is ready user loads the measurement program in the caliper. Now caliper uses the given data label names (column names) which the user has set. After the measurement session the user downloads the data into the Creator. PC-program creates automatically an Excel-sheet and a text- file to be saved in the computer for further processing.

  • BT- caliper combined with data collection software defined with Creator Pro gives an economical and flexible system for various measurement and data collection tasks. BT-caliper is equipped with Bluetooth making it possible to connect to other equipment.

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Learn more about our products and solutions for the forestry industry and wood logistics. Masser provides precise and user-friendly tools for efficient operation.

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