Harvester head calibration is mandatory in many countries where harvester production data is used for timber sales. Also it is important when the harvester must optimize the cutting and when the cutting dimension accuracy is essential.
Masser has been in developing calibration system since the first harvesters started to measure diameter and length for volume calculation. Company founders have developed already in 1981 those measurement and volume calculating principles which are used nowadays in all modern harvesters.
All major harvester computer producers follow the StanForD- file structure. It describes the data transfer variables and files between calibration caliper and harvester also between harvester and company data system. Masser Oy has been developing the calibration system with all these harvester manufacturers since the standard work group was established. Masser systems for harvester head calibration and control support the new StanForD2010-standard.
Harvester head calibration documentation
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