Forest inventory

For forest inventory Masser offers a variety of devices and data collection systems. The inventory system can be a total inventory (all trees are tallied) or the measurements can be based on sampling or only for basal area. Collected data can vary from single DBH-measurement to full national inventory.

Masser calipers have been used for inventory work all around the world. Different inventory applications have varied from national forest inventory to small scale private forest inventory.

New Lidar-based forest inventory must have a very accurate and reliable sampling system. Masser offers one-hand operational TWC II BT caliper to measure large trees on a sample plot area. Racal II BT caliper and one-hand operation allows to measure accurate tree data easily even in dense spruce forests. BT Caliper is a versatile measuring and data collection device to fulfill the most accurate and advanced forest inventory.

Want to know more?

Learn more about our products and solutions for the forestry industry and wood logistics. Masser provides precise and user-friendly tools for efficient operation.

Products for Forest Inventory